Thursday, January 29, 2009

How can this happen??? Shame...

* click picture to enlarge *'s the past few weeks ago new...everyone knew what happen to Gemilang Mirza. I'm not interested to write about what's the latest news about them. I just want to share about the newspaper image that i capture with my handphone.
Look for the image to enlarge..then you get what in my mind..All the image i captured from Utusan Borneo on the day Gemilang Mirza was automatically get famous by all the newspaper.....
Front page about their company news........inside is their Managing Director pic....this Dato Pengiran Diraja Sulu (PDS) are just their syok sendiri ka or is it real???? hmm.....shame...


Anonymous said...

Dato pengiran diraja sulu? ni kerajaan mana pulak bagi anugerah ni? never heard of this anugerah in my whole entire life.

LAi said...

itula...ehehehe heran kan..

Anonymous said...

sio sendiri la tu..